Last updated: 2021-03-31

Moriiven PTE LTD is referred to as “Fashion Chingu” and is committed to protecting your privacy. We hope that you will take the time to read this privacy policy, which explains what information we collect from you and how we use that information. By using our website (including its subdomains) or by purchasing products or services from us, you agree to be bound by this privacy policy. Please check back frequently, as this privacy policy may change from time to time.

When we refer to “GDPR” in this Privacy Policy we mean the European Union General Data Privacy Directive. “EEA” means the European Economic Area.

What Information We Collect

Information You Give Us

We collect personal information from you in a variety of ways when you access or interact with our website or mobile app. Some examples are when you:

  • Create a Fashion Chingu account;
  • Sign up to receive our newsletters and/or periodic email notifications with special offers;
  • Place an order with us;
  • Participate in a contest, sweepstake, giveaway, promotion, or survey; or
  • Otherwise submit personal information to us along with any related content of the communication.

The EEA legal basis for collection of such information is the provision of the service you have requested.

Information Automatically Collected

We receive and store certain types of information when you interact with us. Our purpose is to allow the website to work correctly, to evaluate use of the website, and to support website analytics and marketing campaigns. Some examples include:

  • We may collect your technical information such as your IP address and MAC address to determine what region you are accessing the website from, in order to show you the version of the website that covers that region.
  • We may collect technical information such as your IP address, your device operating system and browser type, as well as identifying information regarding your mobile device such as UDID and serial number, mobile network information including carrier and phone number, the address of a referring website, if any, and the path you take through our website. We use this technical information to, among other things, improve our products and services as well as to help us administer our website and diagnose technical problems. Your IP address is also used to gather broad demographic information that does not personally identify you.
  • We use “cookies” and identifying information regarding your mobile device to recognise you as you use or return to our site or mobile app. For more information about cookies, please see the section below Cookies.

How We Use Your Information

We use your information to offer and provide our products and services and to support our core business functions. These include order or service fulfillment, internal business processes, marketing, authentication, loss and fraud prevention, public safety and legal functions, as listed below.

  1. To fulfill your orders for products and services and communicate with you about those orders;
    The EEA legal basis for this processing is the provision of the service you have requested. 
  2. To register and service your account;
    The EEA legal basis for this processing is the provision of the service you have requested. 
  3. To provide customer service;
    The EEA legal basis for this processing is the provision of the service you have requested. 
  4. To administer surveys, sweepstakes, contests, giveaways and promotions that you may participate in;
    The EEA legal basis for this processing is the provision of the service you have requested. 
  5. To protect the security or integrity of our websites and our business;
    The EEA legal basis for this processing is our pursuit of legitimate interests. The legitimate interest we pursue is the prevention of fraudulent and illegal activities, the protection of our systems and networks, of our services and of our users and the enforcement of our legitimate rights and rights of our users.
    If you or the relevant Data Controller are located in the EEA, you have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to such processing. To exercise this right you may at any time contact us as provided under “How To Contact Us” below. 
  6. To provide you with customized recommendations and display products that may be relevant to your needs and interests;
    The EEA legal basis for this processing is our pursuit of legitimate interests. The legitimate interest we pursue is to optimize your experience on our website by avoiding display of recommendations and offers that are irrelevant to you.
    If you or the relevant Data Controller are located in the EEA, you have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to such processing. To exercise this right you may at any time contact us as provided under “How To Contact Us” below. 
  7. To help us improve and customise our product and service offerings, website, mobile app, and advertising, including through data analytics. A traffic and user behavior auditing system operated by Google Analytics is used on our website. Please see the Google Analytics website for information about Google Analytics, the Google Analytics auditing system, and the Google Analytics’ privacy policy.The EU legal basis for this processing is our pursuit of legitimate interests. The legitimate interest we pursue is the improvement and optimization of our products and services, and websites, which is to the benefit of you and other users.

    If you or the relevant Data Controller are located in the EEA, you have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to such processing. To exercise this right you may at any time contact us as provided under “How To Contact Us” below.



  8. To protect the vital interests of you or others, such as health and safety, or comply with legal requirements.The EEA legal basis for this processing is protection of vital interests of the data subjects or others, or compliance with legal requirements.


How We Protect Your Information and How Long We Keep Your Information

To protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control we have implemented security measures on our website.

When you place orders or access your account information, a secure server is employed. All information you input is encrypted by the secure server layer (SSL) before it is sent to us and all the customer data we collect is similarly protected against unauthorised access.

Fashion Chingu cannot be and is not responsible for unauthorised access to information by hackers or others who have obtained such access through illegal measures.

“Phishing” is a scam designed to steal your personal information. If you receive an email that looks like it might be from Fashion Chingu asking for your personal information, do not respond. Fashion Chingu would not request your password, user name, credit card information, or other personal information through email.

We will only store your information as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the information is collected and processed or, where applicable law provides for longer storage and retention periods, for the storage and retention period required by law. After that your personal information will be deleted.

How We Share Your Information

Except as described in this privacy policy, Fashion Chingu will not share your personal information with third parties unless you have consented to the disclosure or under the following limited circumstances.

Business Transfers

If Fashion Chingu is acquired by or merges with another company, Fashion Chingu may transfer personal information to that company (including transfers made as part of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings). In such an event, Fashion Chingu will notify you before your personal information is transferred if this information would become subject to a materially different privacy policy.

Service Providers

Fashion Chingu may from time to time share the information we collect from and about you with other third-parties that provide support services to us, or that help us market our products and services. Examples are shipping vendors, billing and refund vendors, payment card processors, promoters and administrators of sweepstakes, contests, giveaways and promotions, and companies that help us improve our product and service offerings and our websites. These companies may need information about you in order to perform their functions. These companies are not authorised to use the information we share with them for any other purpose. In some cases Fashion Chingu and third-party service providers may share tracking information, including your IP address, and Fashion Chingu may provide information about your order to the website that has referred you to Fashion Chingu (and the referral network utilised by such website), to facilitate calculation of any commissions payable by Fashion Chingu.

Aggregate Information

Fashion Chingu may provide aggregate statistics about our customers, sales, traffic patterns, and related website information to third parties, but these statistics will not include any personally identifying information.

Registering for a Fashion Chingu Account with your Social Media Login

By registering with your login information of a third-party social networking service such as Facebook or Google Plus (each an “SNS”), you allow Fashion Chingu to access certain information from your profile for that SNS. The information you allow Fashion Chingu to access is affected by the privacy settings you and your friends establish at the SNS. You can control and find out more about these settings directly from the SNS. For example, Fashion Chingu may access and store some or all of the following information, as allowed by you, the SNS and your preferences:

  • Your first and last name;
  • Your SNS ID;
  • The URL of your SNS profile;
  • Your user ID number, which is linked to publicly available information such as name and profile photo
  • The user ID numbers and other public data for your friends;
  • The login e-mail you provided to that SNS when you registered; and
  • Your gender.

In addition, if you are a member of an SNS, Fashion Chingu may also enable you to log in through an interface provided by that SNS. If you log in to Fashion Chingu using an SNS, we may receive the personal and non-personal information that you have provided (or provide in the future) to that SNS, and you consent to Fashion Chingu receiving such information.

You may be able to specify what information is provided by the SNS to Fashion Chingu using the privacy settings in your SNS profile information.

By logging in to the Fashion Chingu website through an SNS such as Facebook, you permit such SNS to check your SNS account cookies when you are visiting our website and to receive information concerning actions you take on the website.


Fashion Chingu Cookies

The Fashion Chingu website employs “cookies,” which are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer or mobile device. Our cookies enable us both to provide a Shopping Bag and to store your shipping and billing information between visits.

We also use cookies for additional purposes, including:

  • Identifying you when you sign-in to our site;
  • Delivering content relevant to your interests, including advertisements, on, sites operated; by other companies within our corporate group, and third-party sites;
  • Keeping track of your specified preferences;
  • Conducting research and diagnostics to improve Fashion Chingu’s content, products and services;
  • Preventing fraudulent activities; and
  • Improving security.

The “Settings,” “Privacy” or other features on most browsers will enable you to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie and to disable cookies altogether. If you have set your browser to reject cookies, you can still view our site, although you may need to re-enter information that would normally be obtained from the cookie, and it may not be possible to make a purchase.

Third-Party Cookies

Fashion Chingu allows third parties that provide support services to us, or that help us market our products and services, to collect certain anonymous technical information (such as clickstream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over, hardware/software information, MAC address, cookie and session ID, and IP address) when you visit our website and to use that information to serve ads for Fashion Chingu when you visit certain other websites. These third parties typically use a cookie to collect this information. To learn more about this behavioral advertising practice or to opt-out of this type of advertising, visit the National Advertising Initiative or the Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising.

Links to Other Websites

The website may have buttons, plugins and log-in interfaces from sites operated by third parties, as well as links and other connections to those sites. We refer to these buttons, plugins, login interfaces, links and other connections as “Links.” Links may include content from third-party sites that is framed within our website, such as the “Find us on Facebook” social plugin. If you click on a Link or input information in a framed Link on our site, those third parties may receive information about you. As a result, you may wish to review the privacy policies of those third parties to understand how such information is collected and used.

If you click on or input information through certain Links on our website, we may have access to information related to your account with third–party site. This may include your profile information and privacy settings for that site.

While Fashion Chingu encourages third parties with Links on our site to follow appropriate privacy standards and policies, we are not responsible for the actions of those parties, the content of their websites or any products or services they may offer.

Comments, Reviews, and Other Information

When using our website you may have opportunities to post or submit comments, reviews, and other information to publicly accessible pages of our website. When you post or submit such information it is done at your own risk, is made public, and is not subject to this privacy policy.

Making Changes to Your Information, Removing or Exporting Your Information

You may change your account information on file with Fashion Chingu at any time. To do this, simply visit the “Account Settings” section of “My Account.” From here, make the desired changes, enter your password and click “Update”.

You may email us at to request that we delete your personal information from our database. In that case, please place “delete my account” in the subject line and include your first and last name and e-mail address in the body of the message. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to honor your request. We may retain an archived copy of your records as required by law or for business administrative purposes.

Please note that communications you may to Fashion Chingu will be stored by us, and may not be subject to modification or deletion.

You may also control the information that Fashion Chingu collects through the settings in your browser or mobile device. You may configure your browser to reject cookies from Fashion Chingu and may adjust the settings of your mobile device to prevent Fashion Chingu from obtaining location information. However, please note that the Fashion Chingu website rely on cookies and location information to function properly.

Marketing Preferences

We may use your information to occasionally notify you about important changes to our website, new Fashion Chingu features, special Fashion Chingu offers that you may find useful, or offers from companies with whom we have business relationships. We may also contact you if you have entered one of our contests or sweepstakes, or responded to one of our surveys. Choosing not to receive email newsletters or email notifications from us when you enter a contest or sweepstakes will not affect your chances of winning.

If you would prefer not to receive email newsletters or email notifications from us (other than email notifications relating to order processing), you can click the “unsubscribe” link at the footer of our emails to unsubscribe from particular newsletters or email notifications.

Children’s Privacy Online

At Fashion Chingu, we believe that the privacy and safety of children is important.

Our website is a general audience site and is not targeted to or intended for use by children. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13. If we discover that we have inadvertently collected personal identifiable information from children under the age of 13, we will take all reasonable measures to erase such information from our systems and to not use such information for any purpose (except where necessary to protect the safety of the child or others as required or allowed by law). If you become aware of any personally identifiable information we have collected from children under 13, please contact us at

Rights of EEA Residents

If you are accessing or using the Fashion Chingu website from within the EEA, you may have the following rights under GDPR (as well as other rights):

Right of Access: You have the right to obtain confirmation from us as to whether or not Fashion Chingu processes personal information from you and you also have the right to at any time obtain access to your personal information stored by Fashion Chingu. To exercise this right you may at any time contact us as provided under “How To Contact Us” below.

Right to Correction of your Personal Information: If we process your personal information, we use reasonable measures to ensure that your personal information is accurate and up-to-date for the purposes for which your personal information was collected. If your personal information is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to require us to correct it. To exercise this right you may at any time contact us as provided under “How To Contact Us” below. You can also change the information you provided to set up a Fashion Chingu account in the section of “My Account”.

Right to Deletion of your Personal Information or Right to Restriction of Processing: You may have the right to require us to delete your personal information or to restrict of processing of your personal information. To exercise this right you may at any time contact us as provided under “How To Contact Us” below.

Right to Withdraw your Consent: If you have given your consent to the processing of your personal information, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on the consent before the withdrawal. To exercise this right you may at any time contact us as provided under “How To Contact Us” below.

Right to Data Portability: You may have the right to receive the personal information concerning you and which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or to transmit this data to another controller. To exercise this right you may at any time contact us as provided under “How To Contact Us” below.

Right to Object: You may have the right to object to the processing of your personal information as further specified in this Privacy Policy.

Right to Lodge a Complaint with Supervisory Authority: You have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority located in the European Union. Further information about how to contact your local data protection authority is available at

International Transfers of Personal Information

Our principal office is located in Singapore, and we also have offices in other countries outside the EEA. In addition, many or all of the third-party service providers mentioned above, which may receive Personal Information as part of the services they provide for Fashion Chingu, are located outside the EEA.

Please note that the laws of some countries outside the EEA may not offer the same level of data protection as the GDPR and other laws within the EEA. However, other companies within our corporate group will treat your Personal Information only as provided in this Privacy Policy. In addition, we will require all third-party service providers to treat your Personal information only as provided in this Privacy Policy.

Where necessary, we have entered into standard European Commission-approved form model data protection clauses with other members of our corporate group and with service providers with respect to processing of Personal Information outside of the EEA.

California Privacy Rights

If you are a resident of California, USA and have an “established business relationship” with (within the meaning of California law), you are entitled to request certain information regarding our disclosure of specified “personal information” (as defined in California Civil Code Section 1798.83) to third parties for their direct marketing purposes.

To request a copy of the information disclosure provided by pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, please contact us at and enter the following in the subject line of the e-mail: “California Privacy Rights.” Please allow 30 days for a response.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Please check back frequently, as this Privacy Policy may change from time to time. The date of the most recent update to the Privacy Policy will be indicated at the top of this page. In the event of a material change to the Privacy Policy, for a reasonable time after such change we will add “Updated,” “New,” or a similar term near the link to the Privacy Policy on the home page of and elsewhere, as applicable, throughout our website.

Data Controller; How to Contact Us

Moriiven PTE LTD Ltd. is the Data Controller of your Personal Information. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at