(G)I-DLE “HANN” Fashion MV Haul


(G)I-DLE “HANN” Fashion MV Haul

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Welcome to the (G)-IDLE Fashion MV Haul!” font_container=”tag:p|font_size:25|text_align:left|color:%23000000″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]Yaaay I am so happy about (G)IDLEs comeback! And it’s also a great one! 🙂 I absolutely liked their debut song LATATA  so I was really hoping for an awesome comeback and didn’t get disappointed.

Don’t you also love how mysterious and slaying the song is? It is such a thrilling song the first time I heard it I got chills. The song and the MV give me ancient Egypt vibes, maybe it is because of the scorpions. 😀  Everbody looks so good in the MV and the dresses are on point. I really liked how they kept their mysterious sexy image like in LATATA since there aren’t a lot of girl groups with such an image anymore. 🙁

Today I got a lot of awesome dresses for you and I swear (G)I-DLE stylist is a genius. 😀 By the way If someone can explain me their name I would be really happy, it’s so complicated to write. 😀

First I got Shuhuas flower dress for you. It’s exactly the same but the stylist seems to have cut it off on the right side to make it asymmetrical since Shuhuas dress is short on the right side. I really like this Idea off simply cutting it off. All the time we are so focused to search for dresses but how about a simple DIY. I also like the long version of the dress but I am really amazed how such a simple action can make such a difference on vibes the dress gives off.


The second dress is also Shuhuas dress. I really like the mixed patterns on this dress. The colour and the slits of the dress makes it looks so beautiful. It looks really elegant but casual at the same time.




Next, I got to dresses from Yuqi. First the light dress with the flower pattern. I saw Yuqi in this d I got to dresses from Yuqi. First the light dress with the flower pattern. I saw Yuqi in this dress lately a lot on social media even before their comeback. The arms are wide and the dress is really fluffy. I also noticed that they cut off the shoulders here. Again a little DIY. 😀


Next, I got Yuqis Pink long skirt with the stripes on the back and a different pattern on the front. Again they cut out the front to create an asymmetrical dress. I also like how the colour clas. Usually you would think pink and blue woudn’t go together right? But It looks perfect .*-*

I also found Soyeons green dress. She looks so mystical in it. The dress suits her image great. 🙂

I really liked Soyeons following outfit. I could find the T-Shirt and a similar transparent skirt. I really like this outfit and I am thinking about doing a whole Quick Outfit Idea to it. Let me know if you want me to do it. 🙂

My Outfit Suggestion for the (G)I-DLE HANN MV Haul

GIDLES Yuqis Seyeon Minnie Shuhua Soojin Miyeon outfits fashion

So that’s it guys. This was a huge outfit haul but I had a lot of fun doing it. I hope you like it, too. As always you can purchase each piece below. Your purchase supports us and helps us to keep doing FashionChingu. But no worries we appreciate your presence anyway.

If you search for something or have a request let me know.

I love you guys

FashionChingu 🙂

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