Red Velvet “Red Flavor” MV | Wendy


Red Velvet “Red Flavor” MV | Wendy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Hey Chingu!” font_container=”tag:p|font_size:25|text_align:left|color:%23000000″ use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]The summer is coming and it’s time to take the bright clothes out from the back of the closet.

Today I chose one of my favorite summers hits Red Velvet’s “red flavor”. To be more precise I picked Red Velvets Wendy’s Outfit. I know the song is from last year but come on it’s already a classic which you can find on every “K-POP Summer Hits” playlist.

As inspiration, I chose Wendy’s flamingo outfit. As it is comfy, bright and cries for summer. 🙂 Wendy is rocking the outfit. I love the different vibes the outfit gives off. On one side it is really playful and sweet but on the other hand, it has a confident and stylish feeling to it. I couldn’t find the same message as on Wendy’s T-Shirt so I chose a little bit more confident version of it. 😀

My Suggestion For Wendy’s Outfit


I hope you like the Outfit. If you have suggestions or requests for other inspired Outfits please leave a comment. In the following, you can view each piece separately or purchase them if you want. It helps to support us here at Fashion Chingu. But no worries we appreciate your presence anyways. 🙂

Get Wendy’s Outfit in Red Flavor

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